Process Facilitation Testimonial

Thomas Holtz, CEO, Multotec

“Justin and I started working together in the middle of last year. My objective for bringing him into the company was to facilitate a process to make some fundamental cultural changes in our EXCO team and thus allow us to influence the entire organisational culture.

His approach has resonated well with the EXCO team, and we have made huge progress at being more vulnerable and honest with each other. Questions of diversity and inclusion suddenly have become more real and relevant. We have got permission to tackle some of the sensitive aspects within the team before we get into crisis mode. His facilitation has given us permission to work on our blind spots and evolve our business to be a more a purposeful organisation. One of our holy cows of patriarchy and the paradigm of “power over” others is being questioned and challenged.
We have not completed this journey but I can highly recommend him to facilitate change interventions in any social environment. The initiative must be genuine and sustainable and then I believe his facilitation can be life changing.”